
Reasses Your Chess Vol 4

TheDudeAbides, as far as you know, does How to Reasses Your Chess Vol 4 teach as much as My System?
I have read both #11 its a lot more insightful than amateurs mind and a lot more annotated games from the internet. Amateurs mind didn't have internet games in it when it was made . Also he covers Us open championships that were played after amateurs mind was published.
I have bought both Reasses your Chess and Amaterur's mind (I'm currently reading the latter), should I switch to the first one in your opinion?
If you think IM Silman's books are good, you should really look over something by GM Seirawan. Currently in the middle of both their endgame books. Despite what Silman claims, Seirawan was right that learning the bishop and knight checkmate is a lesson in piece coordination and worth mastering. He said it took him a week.
Which Seirawan's books would you reccomend in particular?
Really can't say as I've only read Tactics, then Openings, and now Endings. Was pretty sure How to Play Winning Chess was first, but flipping through it, can't remember a single thing in there. Also read half of Strategies, but going to finish that after finishing Endings. Then will be on to Combinations and finally Brilliancies. Maybe go by original publication year.
I read tactics and openings and you can't go wrong with either one. Brilliances is mainly games played in the past like the evergreen game etc.If you wanna learn from the yas his books are very good as well. As far as Amteurs mind i would read that one first then Reassess in my opinion.
Thanks @TheDudeAbides for your opinion. I will definitely go over amateur's mind before reading Reasses your Chess now

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