
Winter 2021 Tournament - Final

The fourth and final round of the HCC 2021 Winter Tournament wrapped up on Thursday and saw Jonathan take first place with a win over young Julian. Our young prodigy unfortunately lost a piece early on that might have helped him stop Jonathan's attack on his king position. Jonathan finished the tournament with a perfect 4-0 score. Congratulations Jonathan!

Jacques and David each lost games (to Patrick and Denis respectively) after unfortunate blunders. In Jacques's case by hanging a piece on move seven and David's via a mouse slip that saw him drop his queen on the wrong square. Perhaps for classical chess we should all be turning on move confirmation! The victories gave Patrick and Denis each three points and the trophies for second and third places respectively. The organizer of the tournament accepts no responsibility for the trophy design BTW. They immediately made me think of a story about Robert Hubner who after winning the Capablanca Memorial in Havana made his way to the harbour and discreetly pitched his trophy into the sea. Apparently there was only room in his suitcase for either the the trophy or the cash prize.

John and Peter played quite an interesting game which turned into a battle of heavy pieces to control the only open files. John eventually got the upper hand and won a piece that sealed the deal for him and gave him a 50% score in the tournament.

Congratulations and thanks to all participants. It is in the nature of chess that there are always winners and losers but I believe we all had fun and enjoyed both the chess and the social side of the event. A success all around I would say.

We will be asking for your input on what types of further events to organize so watch this space for details.

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