
What are women most attracted in men?

Obviously, as proven be the 76.5th law of tryogerminomics, and according to my calculations, the females in the human species are inexplicably attracted to the most prudent and intelligent males of the human species as a whole. Of course, this discounts the 67th law of piorminatics that states that “the fearless and direless fortunatium of specifications of life are themrefore least likely to pair up with the filed florgrium of the opposite gender”. Because of this, I believe that I am the most attractive individual ever to exist!!
women like me because of my tricks,and when i see they are attracted,i feel so sad,i feel like how could you fall for this?im only doing some kind of illusion ,i get disgusted at myself also,so i dont go any further,i am lonely for a long time now,i dont see the power in me to go thru the stage to get to know someone new,it sounds painfull to do it,i think i will end up a very lonely person
@Oportunist It's better to be alone than to be with someone
because relationships are hard to maintain
intelligence, but in addition to having a good general knowledge, in the sense of being smart in one's choices: a long-term couple relationship is built by mutual trust which must become unshakeable.

intellectual and moral qualities are undoubtedly worth much more than physical qualities.
@Oportunist said in #1:
> the question doesnt need explanation,what are the things that attract women abaut men?
Looks, money, social status
@fiendcel said in #18:
> incel take, but what else can you expect from a penguin.
-> random insult, with was created because of person liking or disliking thing
-> no logical fundaction
How I even supposed to treat your words seriously

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