
rating distribution is broken

@Wisherwood said in #10:
> 24hrs later and it's still broken for me. Same reproduction steps.

no surprise there. look here:
see the date in the "current versions" table? as long as that date is before the fix, the fix will not be on
@glbert This is a well known issue yet the assets haven't been updated for almost 7 days now
Is there a schedule for when the assets are usually updated? You would think after an issue is discovered and fixed in code that they wouldn't just not pull the code into the site for weeks?
it's a well known issue, but it is in no way critical. it does not affect any of the main functionality of the site. in fact, the majority of users of the site probably will not even notice the issue.
it is definitely not the kind of issue that would make the devs deploy any quicker than normally, which is about every 7-14 days in my experience.
@Wisherwood said in #12:
> Is there a schedule for when the assets are usually updated?
No schedule, AFAIK. After each server restart, there are at least 2-3 new topic in the forum complaining about it and its unfortunate fallout (usually in the form of aborted games). Thus I can fully understand why it's only restarted when there is a really good reason - and this is hardly one.
@mkubecek said in #14:
> it's only restarted when there is a really good reason - and this is hardly one.

What is worse than this that requires a restart? This issue seems to be worse than the typical reasons used for a full restart. Also, when you're in the middle of a game and the server is restarted, you get added additional time to compensate, so there shouldn't really be any issue right?
@Wisherwood said in #15:
> What is worse than this that requires a restart?
Any issue that actually affects using of the web. This issue only made one small part of the stats, interesting but expendable, temporarily unavailable. Come on, it's still less than a week, you really cannot live without knowing your percentile/rating for a week?

> Also, when you're in the middle of a game and the server is restarted, you get added additional time to compensate, so there shouldn't really be any issue right?
Can't say from my own personal experience; restarts tend to be done around 9:00 in the morning in my timezone, I don't think I ever played at that time. But given the number of complaints in the forum, quite a few users get their games aborted when server is restarted.
@mkubecek said in #16:
> given the number of complaints in the forum, quite a few users get their games aborted when server is restarted.

Given the number of complains in the forum, quite a few users are missing the percentile charts. It's almost as if the loss of the feature is worse than having to force a restart in the middle of some games.
The actual bad part of the feature isn't that it's missing. It literally displays the wrong information. It shows the page as if I'm literally the worst player in the entire world. I'm better than 0 bullet players. It lies right to your face and degrades you to the point of becoming the worst player in the game, and not only that, it does the same tactic to every single member who tries to analyze their stats. I know at least one person in the world is the worst bullet player in the world, but that player is not me so to say that it is every single day for multiple multiple days in a row is a terrible thing to experience. And I would imagine there are others who feel similarly about it. I would rather the page be entirely removed or unavailable than have it lie right to your face, especially if that lie is saying that every single player is better.
@Wisherwood said in #17:
> It's almost as if the loss of the feature is worse than having to force a restart in the middle of some games.
If you really think this is the case, it's something I can't help you with, I'm afraid.

The number of complaints here shows only one thing: too many people don't bother to read existing discussion before writing to the forum. Which is sad but well known to anyone familiar with web discussions.
@mkubecek said in #19:
> If you really think this is the case, it's something I can't help you with, I'm afraid.
You don't even play any games on this site, you have less than 100. If you had more experience playing then you would know that the server restart only affects you if you have less than 30s left, and it gives bonus time anyway. So it isn't bad, server restarts are a normal part of operation.

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