
Feature suggestion to avoid green leavers in slow games

I experienced a frustrating situation in a 45+0 game. My opponent had 33 minutes and 59 seconds left on his clock when I made my last move, but he didn't move anymore and went offline when his clock had less than 5 minutes left (the option to claim the win appeared at that moment).
Lichess didn't detect that my opponent was idle and I spent most of the time watching the clock and doing puzzles instead of playing.

I'd like to suggest an idea inspired by this:'s_switch

There could be a pop-up similar to the confirmation move with the question "Are you still thinking?". This message would appear when the estimated time to make a move is over (in a 45 minute it's 67.5 seconds).

If the player hit "yes", nothing happens. If there's no answer, the system let another 67.5 or 135 seconds pass and shows the message again. If the player is still inactive, the system waits half the estimated time and gives his opponent the option to claim the game or call draw.

Warnings about temporary bans can't replace a feature like the one I suggest. Being almost 30 minutes waiting for a move without the option to finish the game because the other player is still green is very frustrating and it should never happen.

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