
Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess

Never once did it say that Lichess is x or y besides being an open source free to use web app for chess with no ads.

Yes, there is a disclaimer about Thibault's personal beliefs but where did it say, ever, that lichess is a "leftist feminist blablaa" it's not. And it would have never gained the same ground if it wore this spiel front-and-center.

Because lichess brands itself as a FOSS chess server. Simple as.

And if you wanna equate knowledge and books with what the politics of some webmaster are, then you can't really be helped.
@Cynosure Yeah, this place is really the best but I have to say the quality of the free drugs admins send us atheists weekly is kinda declining, at least judging from some comments in this thread
Great article and interesting insights on betrayal by officials. Kudos to author for bringing up such important topic. Equal rights, equal treatment, equal payment for all, regardless of gender. Thanks to Thibault and Lichess for being more than a playground, setting the modern ethical standards for the chess community.
(male player here)
I do not have the feeling that the community is hostile towards women here. There are female streamers and they do not seem to experience bad treatment. Most people are polite in the chat and everything is going well. So I am wondering how widespread the problem discussed here actually is, but this is the kind of thing I never witness for some reason. If the majority of people feels like me after reading this post, it should be reassuring and pointing us towards what we should do, i.e. just acknowledge the situation but understand that the problem might in fact come only for a minority of men which happen to be more visible or "powerful" within the chess community.

I guess if women start to play with female usernames and become very present and visible, the transition towards a better community could be smooth because being seen as a minority anywhere seems not to be good.

Unfortunately, people do not simply unlearn what they have learned through some rational arguments but they get used to a new normal by experiencing it every day.

We can sit here all day trading opinions over what Lichess says. But what a person or company says is usually pretty irrelevant. Look instead to what they actually do, and the intention of why they do it.

Over 10 years of operation, Lichess has seen people like you before - that's literally where the "hippie communist chess server for drug fuelled athiests" meme came from. And you clearly don't know the website at all if you think thibault is just some webmaster of it :)
I do not understand the arguing on this post. People argue over opinions. This article just describes a situation. Sexism exists in chess, end of the story. There is no point in arguing.
Question. Are women-only tournaments discriminating against women? (or men lol :D)
I knew this article was garbage when it started referencing Gina Rippon. The real neuroscience has actually been pretty consistent about the clear differences in biology between the sexes (on average). Not to say this precludes women doing well in chess. But it does mean that a significant portion of the difference between men and women might just be due to men and women being different (gasp!).
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