
How to post games, videos, and images to the forum

I often see misformatted posts like this one:

Notice the text '<iframe src="' before the diagram and the text '"width=600 height=397 frameborder=0></iframe>' after. That is because the user did it wrong.

So here is a tutorial with images showing how to properly post chess diagrams, videos and images to the forum.

1) Posting games you played on Lichess:

2) Posting chapters from your studies:

3) Posting games you did _not_ play on Lichess

* Get the PGN [1] of that game. Usually the chess software you use has an option to copy the PGN of the game to the clipboard.
* paste the PGN from the clipboard into the entry at
* Click 'import'
* proceed like in 1)

4) Posting Youtube Videos
* just copy [2] the youtube url [3] from the adressbar [4] to your clipboard [5] and then paste it into your post. It will be converted to a viewable video, once submitted.

5) Posting images
* You need an imgur account -> Register at
* Once registered, go to the overview page for your images on imgur. You can reach that page by clicking on your imgur username top right and then selecting 'images'. The overview page is initially empty, as you have not uploaded any images.
* upload the image by dragging it from the file browser of your operating system onto that webpage.
* when the image has been successfully uploaded, a thumbnail of it will appear on that overview page.
* Click on the thumbnail (not the buttons on it but the thumbnail itself), and click on "Direct Link" -> "Copy". That will copy the url of the image to your clipboard [5].
* Paste the url into your Lichess post. Once the post is submitted, it will be transformed to a viewable image.

Please notice, that excessive image posting is not welcome on Lichess. Text is the preferred format.

6) Posting links
If something looks like an url and is not one of 1) to 5) then it will automatically be linkified (blue color, you can click it).

The above things also work in study comments and chat messages, not just in forum posts.

7) linking to moves in game chats
There is also an extra gimmick in game chats: You can link to a specific position by entering the move number followed by a move, eg "2.d4" or "5...Nf6". This will also linkify that text, once submitted, and when users click it, the board browses to the position before 2.d4 / 5...Nf6.

Thats all, folks.



[1] PGN:
[2] Copy & paste:,_copy,_and_paste - The keys are ctrl+c for 'copy' and ctrl+v for 'paste'.
[3] URL:
[4] Browser address bar:
[5] Clipboard:
Addon: if you want the diagram to be posted with the black pieces at the bottom, append "/black" to the url, but before the "#<half move number>"
What if you want to post a redirect link, even to a lichess page? do you know how to post verbatim links, or clickable, not embedded? so that it does take the space it usually takes, or if the poster wants that the full page be displayed, to show something that the embedded format can't for example. Or if posting several links without wanting to takeover a whole thread page? but still giving the link without having to put spaces to prevent parsing. I have been looking for that. And this information might make this thread complete to the max.... here is me hoping.
how is that funny?
verbatim links?
links that are click-able, once clicked the user is directed to the page of origin.
no embedded page
no interpretation of a URL, what kind of wrapper needed in the text that is written in the reply text box to this post for example.? no idea? then say so. no need to laugh. I don't get it, and I am not going to laugh.

if anybody else gets the intent of my two posts, which were meant as complementary, in case otherwise received, then please let me know. and if too off topic, then PM me.
Nice job @N78_Training ! pics of what to do and references for the uninitiated.

All the above works for me but leaves open @dboing 's question of how to force a clickable link when Lichess would have it be embedded. I rarely want to do that, but it would be nice to know how to do that as well. My attempts to force it have failed. I can understand why the Lichess code would be written in such a way to do what the user probably intended; to embed the source.
@jomega @N78_Training
I should have started with nice job, and then asked for the odd little crevasse question. That was never a critic, just in case.
Presumably "hahaha" isn't necessarily intended in a jeering sense. It could be accompanied by a smile and shrug of shoulders (as though implying the fault was entirely his own).
Him?... If referring to me: hey, I am right here. ;)

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