
Search "user:starinthesky"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How do I get better at openings and defences? Should I be using the opening explorer?#11

@Bluetwix Thanks, sometimes I avoid analysing games even though I know I shouldn't. Do you have any advice for the best way to use the analysis tools / how much time I should spend on analysis?

General Chess Discussion - How do I get better at openings and defences? Should I be using the opening explorer?#10

@boilingFrog I saw that video a few days ago too actually and, while I see what he means, I think learning a few good openings reduces the risk of making stupid mistakes early on like hanging pieces o…

General Chess Discussion - How do I get better at openings and defences? Should I be using the opening explorer?#9

@BorisOspasky Thank you. I will definitely take you advice about the puzzles and also try out that opening you suggested.

General Chess Discussion - How do I get better at openings and defences? Should I be using the opening explorer?#8

@Luke_Owen Thanks, I'll check it out!

General Chess Discussion - How do I get better at openings and defences? Should I be using the opening explorer?#7

@Tae7 -- Your advice is invaluable. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it up! I have saved it and will be referring to it frequently from now on. I think I'm going to start playing more co…

General Chess Discussion - How do I get better at openings and defences? Should I be using the opening explorer?#1

I consider myself a beginner chess player and I'd love some guidance to improve my opening game.
