
Search "user:muricula"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How does the new Elo work?#3

Dang, I guess that can't help me. Thanks for this great website.

General Chess Discussion - How does the new Elo work?#1

How does the new Elo rating system work? It used to subtract points directly from your opponent's rating, but now your opponent can gain more points than you lose. This has yet to benefit me.

Lichess Feedback - A few suggestions#6

Thibault, Perhaps you could make feature which displays the average amount of time thinking about a move per game, and overall. Just an idea. I am quite curious how long it takes me to move, but I am …

Lichess Feedback - Suggestions for improving#13

Thibault, just a thought, perhaps you could have an average elo attached to a players graph? The average could be mean or median, It would probably be easy to implement.

Lichess Feedback - How does the cheat detector work?#2

I forgot to include the replay and analyze link:

Lichess Feedback - How does the cheat detector work?#1

Thibault (or whoever knows enough to answer my question), Recently the computer called a game (in my favor) and said "cheat detected." Presumably you have installed a cheat detector of some sort. How …

General Chess Discussion - Trying to run Source Code#2

Thibault, what is lichess programmed in?

Lichess Feedback - Changing my password?#3

It would just be nice to have. Thank you for you wonderful site, and the forum search is a good improvement.

Lichess Feedback - Changing my password?#1

If I want to change my password is there currently a means to do so? If not it would be a feature worth adding.

Lichess Feedback - Three Feature Requests#3

Regarding the friends list, I have considered writing down the names of players who I'd like to play again in the "tell us about yourself" box on your personal page. This is a temporary solution, but …
