
Search "user:jeffsonadam"

178 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess Futures - An Innovative Approach to Chess Ratings#5

I appreciate the effort, but I'm under the impression that the paper does not effectively argue for its claims. I suspect the use of chatgpt might be partly to blame: it makes it look like it makes se…

General Chess Discussion - Why did I get zero rating in this win?#2

It is weird. It looks like in your last 5 games, your rating deviation has been set to single digits.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Don't change rating points when terminating abandoned match#7

I think @Clarkey has a point here. If we consider rating as a match-making mechanism and not as some weird kind of currency, someone leaving a game during the opening due to connection issues is not v…

General Chess Discussion - Pawnstructures: Angry and disappointed Lichess Coach#9

Hi, I don't know if it can be of any use, but I found a snapshot of your coach profile from august '22.

General Chess Discussion - How does a blitz player switch to slower time controls?#2

I think you just need to play more classical to solidify new habits, while constantly trying to play slower, calculate more deeply and blunder check. It'll eventually pay off.

General Chess Discussion - Random Chess Rant: People not using their clock in longer time controls#8

Go ask Nepo, he kind of just lost the world title that way.

General Chess Discussion - My elo is blocked#2

General Chess Discussion - I need help#11

I'd suggest to be really honest in your appeal, if you want to maximize your chances. It sounds really weird that a college course (btw, what college/university has chess courses that you can pass or …

General Chess Discussion - So many contradictory rules#2

Because you left the pawn on e4 hanging...?

Community Blog Discussions - How many kinds of chess ability are there?#6

@NDpatzer said in #5: > That would be interesting to check out. I have only rudimentary data-scraping skills, so someone more skilled than me would need to put together a database, though! I'd also lo…
