
Search "user:hjortur"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Two translation issues#1 I have two issues with translations. One is that 'Best rated victories' doesn't translate. The other is that due to grammar 'S…

Lichess Feedback - Bad Puzzles Problem#2

I upvote this.

Lichess Feedback - I miss the Map#24

Found it all. New map is amazing.

Lichess Feedback - I miss the Map#22

Is the source code for the map to be found somewhere? I looked but couldn't find.

Lichess Feedback - Bug in insights#1

In the insights, if you filter by results by variant/color etc. And then press any of the victory/draw/defeat tabs, you will remove the appropriate part from the column, but the remaining numbers will…

General Chess Discussion - Chess clubs#1

Hi, I am new to a city and I wanted to join a chess club here. Can somebody tell me how that works? Do I contact the club in advance or do I show up? What happens when they meet etc?

General Chess Discussion - chess in fiction ( general or SF ) - recommandations.#7

@steger I find that unlikely as only writers that are alive get the nobel. Zweig sent this one to his editor in New York and committed suicide shortly after. On top of that writers usually don't get t…

General Chess Discussion - chess in fiction ( general or SF ) - recommandations.#2

Chess by Zweig is the best one I have seen.
