
Search "user:Tournaments"

279 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Winquitters#6

@Ivanchook there are many reasons why you might want to only play 1 game after you send the 2-game match. What if you discover your opponent is using computer assistance after the first game? You'd be…

General Chess Discussion - How Computers Analyze Games (And How They Might Mislead Themselves)#9

Stockfish Level 8 won in 45 moves in a mate in 32 position. Pretty good.

General Chess Discussion - How Computers Analyze Games (And How They Might Mislead Themselves)#8

Let's test the endgame tablebase vs lvl 8 stockfish with stockfish having a win (in 32 moves).

General Chess Discussion - How Computers Analyze Games (And How They Might Mislead Themselves)#5

Most engines should have endgame databases (mostly 6 piece + ), so they should evaluate it at 0.

Lichess Feedback - Simul Joining#1

Sometimes some users are not able to join the candidate list. Sometimes changing the browser fixes it, but sometimes it doesn't. Anyone experiencing something similar? If it could be fixed that would …

General Chess Discussion - New Simul!#1

Standard, antichess, three check, horde! Thanks

Lichess Feedback - PETITION from CONCERNED USERS#75

The new update is fine to me, but I don't really like the change from pressing space bar to esc. I know it's not much difference, but esc is in the corner. Maybe we could have both? Thanks

General Chess Discussion - Its only been a minute since the site has been updated but#22

-Sorry just realized it was just there

General Chess Discussion - Its only been a minute since the site has been updated but#21

Sorry if this has already being mentioned, but I can't find the message symbol/ on the menu.

General Chess Discussion - variant of chess KUNFU CHESS on JUDOCHESS#4

Any game that cannot be described via PGN cannot be implemented. That includes multiple consecutive moves.
