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190 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - How hard would it be to create a chess playing program?#20

The funny thing, its like playing chess for yourself. The Rules are easy but the teaching is horrible. But good luck, it is not a wonder, it just needs your will.

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Off-Topic Discussion - About 100 children die in the US every year in accidental shootings#44

wey and no, i just say, that a lot of americans, and germans also, and french and english people are nazis in mind. And i cant understand that. Okay in germany they are left and not dead, but how can …

Off-Topic Discussion - About 100 children die in the US every year in accidental shootings#42

#39 Sorry and apology in the same breath. Thats what i mean. 3 Post against me, until they have noticed the nine people kill. Thats the problem. AND YES, i am a german! BUT, my grandfather was a Jew f…

Off-Topic Discussion - About 100 children die in the US every year in accidental shootings#34

today nine black americans died, shooted by a white american nazi. Is this guy been hold up by nacked controlled european people came by flieht to america? Is this a islamic drama? NO. This is why i d…

Off-Topic Discussion - What was your most emotional reaction to a lost Chess game, ever?#30

Lost a blitz: Call my oppenent a idiot, a**h**e and every bad word i just remember that time. Won a blitz: Laughing about my 600 ELO favorite opponent, who startet a 5 min. blitz early. I visited the …
