
Search "user:DragonDawgs"

43 forum posts
Game analysis - What to learn from a high rated player.#13

I'm really only going to mention the opening play since the blunder very quickly sent the game downhill. It's important that everyone sees that this opening is simply a King's Indian Reversed structur…

Game analysis - Perfect USCF Tournament Game - Could Only Draw#2

I think a big issue is that you played an unambitious opening that landed you with a symmetrical pawn structure in an endgame. It's hard to come out with much more than a draw if your opponent plays d…

Game analysis - Pawn weaknss exploitation.#6

If you can picture the position at move 30 without the bishops, white might be slightly for choice. You'd want to pressure the backward pawns with your rooks after winning back h4. Bring your king up …

Game analysis - Pawn weaknss exploitation.#4

White's only real gameplan is to advance his kingside majority though with correct play, these pawns shouldn't amount to much. Position is drawish.

Game analysis - Pawn weaknss exploitation.#3

In the position at move 30, you're down a pawn but you're going to win one of the doubled pawns back. The position's pretty even with a slight pull for Black since Black has few weaknesses for you to …

Lichess Feedback - Hardest openings#5

Apparently there are tournament players (around IM+ level) who understand the Ruy Lopez really ridiculously well. You know the really common h3 in mainline by white? Well apparently there are some lin…

Lichess Feedback - Crazyhouse drop premoves#2

You're the best <3

General Chess Discussion - Quick Endgame Query..#9

Thing about B + N is if you know it, it's very simple--you can do it without thinking. On the other hand, Q vs. R, especially if the defending player is skilled, can be a pain to make progress against…

General Chess Discussion - cheating?#3

Nice usernames, guys

Game analysis - Whats the plan here#4

While that is a good plan and will give black chances to stay in the game, White almost certainly has a slight advantage in this position and for a long time to come due to his spatial edge in the cen…
