
Search "user:ChecksMix"

36 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Small styling change that would improve streaming experience#1

If the style for the div.lichess_ground element (the time and move list on the right during a game) were changed from vertical-align: middle; to vertical-align:top; (moving it up into the empty space …

Lichess Feedback - Resign button should draw if opponent doesn't have mating material#1

If I recall correctly, that is how it works on ICC and/or FICS. How can it be possible to lose by resigning (like when you clicked the wrong unlabelled button) if it is impossible to lose any other wa…

Lichess Feedback - Tournament redirect into started game is flaky#3

Since I got no response and it's still not fixed, any progress on this? I know it's not just me since someone else was complaining about it in the chat yesterday.

Lichess Feedback - Tournament redirect into started game is flaky#2

For what it's worth, I reproduced this a few more times with Firebug enabled. Here's what it consistently looks like in the Firebug console (the first two lines are all red) when the click-to-join hea…

Lichess Feedback - Tournament redirect into started game is flaky#1

As was reported in thread, players are not reliably automatically redirected into newly started tournament games when the…

Lichess Feedback - "Click to join game" in tournaments#5

I too am rarely (any more) automatically put into the game and usually have to click this button. Since it makes no noise when this button shows up, if I don't notice it or am looking at another tab w…

Lichess Feedback - Mobile premove loses time#1

I've suspected it for a while, but couldn't "prove" it until my most recent game: The clock in the mobile (Android) app incorrectly ticks down significantly when a premoved move is made. I had 0.2 sec…

Lichess Feedback - Tournament 15 second first move rule needs a countdown clock#1

I was in another tab when my tournament game started, and by the time I got to the right tab, I didn't know how much I had left of the 15 seconds before my first move, since there is no visual indicat…

Lichess Feedback - "Hourly SuperBlitz" tournament doesn't show up in tournament lists#7

Can we please get this fixed (or, if this is the desired behavior, get the tournaments renamed)? 1. The Hourly SuperBlitz and Hourly Bullet tournaments are not really hourly -- they alternate with eac…

Lichess Feedback - Bug: Can't withdraw from tournament via tournament notification popup#2

This happened to me as well tonight (multiple times) and others were complaining about it in the chat. This is a big bug since it locks people into playing a string of rated tournaments they don't wan…
