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194 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Strogest opening#6

In chess, there isn't a single strongest opening move as each has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on one's playing style and strategy preferences. Refer to:…

General Chess Discussion - Im bored of chess.... After so much time I spent on this game.#21

@Chesss_Is_The_Life said in #14: > hello, thanks for the advice, I will make sure to follow it. I myself am a hardcore e4 guy so I guess i should try d4 having only played it when i was 1700 last time…

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General Chess Discussion - Im bored of chess.... After so much time I spent on this game.#4

It's understandable to feel that way after investing so much time in a single activity. If you want to reignite your passion, consider the following steps I've experienced: 1. Join Chess Tournaments (…

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Game analysis - Brilliant Move (Can check on also)#6 Checked

General Chess Discussion - How am I so good at Rapid and so bad in blitz#10

Playing chess with a slow and steady style is that chess coaches want to their students to achieve. So, you are someone my coach would love to train. Whereas, whenever I lose a game with time ending e…

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