
I have something important to say

@LordSupremeChess The quote is from Alan Watts an philosophical entertainer. The devil he speak of, is not a biblical devil, nor is it clousems.
It's the devil within yourself.

If you tell the devil that you are skipping town, he will put all hinderance in your way to make sure you fail.
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #11:
> nor is it clousems
Okay, that caught me for a second there.
Also, I know that, but the devil inside of me has done too much. It's pretty much run out of energy.
(also what does "skipping town" mean, never heard the metaphor before)
@LordSupremeChess It's true that you gained attention but its fine. You are not those kind of people who are some crazy people who want attention for their stupid shit. Whatever is your dream, go achieve it and I wish u good luck for opening your chess club. And continue staying positive. You can start your domino club (domino's are interesting) and wish you luck for that too.
Okay now let me find another 400 dollars... I have a feeling I'm gonna go bankrupt soon.
@LordSupremeChess said in #2:
> And I am also going to start doing more schoolwork, and pay attention more in classes, stop rebelling against teachers, or just authority in general. Because I'm too mature for that... well, maybe not mature enough to stop it completely, but enough to stop doing it every day. And it is going to start with me not constantly checking the phone 24/7 or watching movies all the time. If I don't have enough time at home to do that, then I need to reorganize the playlists to where movies I want to watch are in one playlist, and movies that are just a side extra are in another. Those I'm less likely to pay attention to and may help me focus in classes. Also another side note: I need to talk to the teachers about getting this site unblocked on school Chromebooks. As much as this site is a distraction for me, it's also a good site where if I want a 5-minute break to check forum updates I can do it, reply to what I need to, and get back to my classwork in no time. Also, how the hell is a chess club supposed to exist if both of the major chess sites are blocked for students? Eventually, they're gonna have to unblock it if we're going to start a chess club next year; why not now?

If you're leaving.......Can I get you're acc?
@LordSupremeChess said in #12:
> Okay, that caught me for a second there.
> Also, I know that, but the devil inside of me has done too much. It's pretty much run out of energy.
> (also what does "skipping town" mean, never heard the metaphor before)
Oh great Lord!