
You have 30 seconds to make your first move IS A LIE

Playing in tournaments, it says on the right, "You have 30 seconds to make your first move". It actually only takes about 13 seconds before it aborts the game. What's going on?
Thanks to both of you. I dug through the source code a bit.

(Btw, holy shit. The resulting website is great, but what a pain the ass. The author is not a fan of commenting his code. You could play a drinking game where you take a drink every time you see a comment, and then finish completely sober after digging through the source code for an hour.)

I found this, which seems like it may be setting the time value to 30 in the UI:

I couldn't find where the actual enforced time value is (15 seconds?), but this is the closest I got:
Nice dig, one gets used to where everything is after a while.

There's loads of useful comments, just look here ;] Actually, I would probably remove that before it's wrong and replace the number with 7*24*60*60, but then it is harder to search for.

I took a peek at that Env you found and saw MandatorySecondsToMove which is loaded from the server config that is then used in modules/tournament/src/main/Env.scala

Just look at all this time spent wondering why that "comment"/user message/documentation didn't align to the runtime code :p
Thanks flugsio. Yeah I figured the actual config settings might not be in the repository.

I agree 7*24*60*60 is more readable. You could always put 604800 in the comment so it's searchable. And nice finding that comment in a haystack. Two whole words! I'll take two sips for that.
For the record, I preferred the grace period at 30 seconds.
Message is changed to 15 next server update, thanks for the report.

An idea for the future would be to have configurable grace periods per tournament, longer time controls could have more time and 960 too.
flugsio just announced it in #8 :P. It has been 15 seconds for a long time, well before the announcement of the fix. I agree the message should have been amended immediately.

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