
Trump lost the election in 2020 to Biden

Dwelling on 2020 seems typical of today's time-wasting, spinning politics; focusing on something almost 4 years ago seems like a distraction from what really matters. It seems better to reflect upon THIS GENUINELY IMPORTANT POINT:

In the UPCOMING election, only quite older men with stressful and complicated lives are running (realistically). What if one of the candidates is elected and then unable to finish his term for any reason (not necessarily his demise)? The Vice President would then become the president.

So, this time, more than ever before, the choice of Vice President MUST be given much more attention than is usually the case when making a choice.

I'm not at all sure whom Trump will select. If I could give him advice, I'd say Byron Donalds (a very bright, articulate, principled African-American filled with integrity and common sense, from Florida), or Marco Rubio (similarly talented and also from Florida, with even more experience and likely much better name recognition) or -- and this is odd but makes some sense: Tulsi Gabbard, a bright, independent moderate who also seems filled with integrity and common sense.

There are some other choices, too -- who might be able to "bring with them" a state more in doubt than Florida or Hawaii. However, those three would (apart from that) seem like three of the best long-term choices available.

On the other side, apparently the choice will be Kamela Harris, who, as the incumbent, is likely more well known, at this point, to the casual voter, than any of Trump's likely choices.

So think long and hard before you vote (and that's up to you, obviously -- I'm not trying to suggest a choice here), which VP would you be happiest with if, God Forbid, a VP had to take over in a crisis.
Here is some fun facts that your major media failed to tell you about the 2020 election!

Since Jan 1789.... NO INCUMBENT (i.e. TRUMP) Never received more votes than what he got the first time he won and still lost.
That's 231 years !!! That's 57 General election cycles....!!! and that's never happened before.!!


No Federal census has been completed in any Major Urban city (started but not completed) A large proportion of America had not updated state and county voter rolls since the early 1970s (After the 2020 Election many city, counties and municipalities were forced to purge their voter rolls)

Example: https:

Only major democratic run cities have not.. example

Ever hear of the the General Election of 1876

In which 3 states all run by Democrats. (Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina) where found to have cheated during the presidential election of 1876. Their electoral collage votes were thrown out, giving the Election to Republican candidate! (called the great compromise of 1877)

When trump sent Vice president Pence to the Capitol to call the election into questions, he was acting on the precedent of the 1876 election. (your major media to this day hasn't mentioned that) The Republicans in 1876 sent the vice President to the capitol to put a hold on the election by not verifying the electoral collage votes)

99.9% of you I bet didn't know that happened.

Want know why ?

Ever hear of Media Convergence? In Political Science it refers to state sponsored media, top down driven, found only in communist or tyrannical governments. Go out on the internet and investigate news caster across the country repeating the same news broadcast word for word... local news from California to Maine

You think your being told the truth?

When you understand just what the FBI was doing at Twitter and Facebook on their disinformation boards, dictating who to band and who to censor... then you will understand how your freedom is in serious jeopardy.

The Biden Administration was found guilty of violating your 1st amendment rights, how they appealed the decision... and lost (I'll quote the Judge... "this was the most egregious violation of the 1st Amendment I have ever seen"

I'm betting 99% of you could not tell me any specifics about the charges filed against Trump. Or about the FBI suppression of the Hunter laptop during the 2020 election.

Before you vote for something... You need to know about that something... I am all for people who have an informed opinion about Trump...and won't vote for him.

Unfortunately those people are far and few in-between
@ThunderClap said in #21:

No need to be so hostile over sarcastic jokes ;) And even if it wasn't sarcasm, why can't we just let people express opinions?
If you feel the need...

It's always best when expressing your political views.

To make a simple statement that's not antagonistic, that covers how you feel... then move on.

Nothing good happens after
I almost didn't comment since it won't change much. They are puppets these days doing what they're told. Both of them are for big business and helping their wealthy friends. Hard to believe anything meaningful comes from the government. Things can change. Though compared to what is possible do not expect the government to do things as efficiently as a chess player.
Hmm, why do you think chess players are by definition efficient??!

Many of them are spreading 4Ch@n's Conspiracy Theory Stuff here. That's not what I think of efficiency aka useful work.

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