
Anyone else get massive ping spikes?

Was just playing a game where I had made my move, but the clock was still counting down for me... nearly 40 seconds later I refreshed my browser and his move had shown up, and it was my turn again. Wondering what was happening I checked my ping, which was bouncing from about 180 (where it normally is), to 2300+). Was just wondering if anyone else seems to get the same thing, or if I'm all alone.

I have a 100Mbit connection, but live in western canada, quite a ways from France (where I think the servers are???)
i was having weird delay or lag problems yesterday....hope it's gone away now...
My guess is where ever the server is located - they're having some resource issues... either in bandwidth or hardware.
Yeah looks like it's good now. Could have been either me or the server acting up. Oh well, thanks guys :)

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