
Can't get used to analysis chart being drawn from the end

I remember we were told it is good for "Stockfish efficiency", but though I thought I would get used to it, I can't get used to the analysis chart being drawn from the end. I analyze from the beginning, so the drawing from the end just distracts me. It spoils the end, without allowing the analysis to start.

Since in my understanding this website is done for the human users rather than for Stockfish maybe it might make sense to envision drawing it from the start, even if Stockfish likes it better the other way?
Lichess is actually built for stockfish. Humans are only here to feed the Holy Chess Engine.
#1 Just wait til its finished to start reviewing.
Thibault, I knew this all along but didn't know it had been officially recognized, so I thought I could still appeal to your illusory sense of autonomy and rebellion in order to get this feature. But I guess the balance of power is just too strong, and we need to stop making a fuss now and all submit to It.

Habatur, I agree in theory but my point is I can't get used to it.
Thing is @jacquesd, doing it from end to start does ensure better analysis quality, which is what we chose to optimize for.

Viewing realtime analysis being built is a point of detail, and only lasts a couple minutes. Then the analysis remains for years. People learn from it, insights are built from it, and cheat detection algorithms make decisions based on it.

So yes, we decided to sacrifice the generation order, and some comfort during a couple minutes, in order to increase the quality of all games analysis.

I get your point, but I remained convinced that we made the right call.
I like the way stockfish works now. It was a brilliant improvement. And it's totally free and that's even more amazing.
I analyze starting from the end of my games for the same reason Stockfish does: if I don't know whether my endgame is winning, losing, or drawing, then how can I understand whether my middlegame moves were good or bad? (And ditto for middlegames & openings.)
#5 Thanks for the explanation, though I confess I'm not really convinced. The interactive analysis after the game is an essential part of the experience, which is not the case of the other things, so comfort there cannot be sacrificed as a point of detail.

In fact the way you phrase things is a bit too close to #2 in my view. Analysis is primarily a learning tool for the people who just played the game. Its use in Insights, for example, may be exciting from a statistical point of view, but it's much less important for users, as I'm sure usage stats confirm.

Assuming it's really necessary to analyze from the end, it would be nice to have a "Show analysis" button that is dimmed as long as the analysis is being computed, and becomes clickable when it's finished.

In fact an advice often given is to review one's games first without the engine, thinking about turning points, trying to understand by oneself what really happened, and only then seeing "the truth" from the engine.

Ideally, in fact, I'd like the "Show analysis button" to also activate the live engine (for variants). So we would go with one button from "no engine information" to "all engine information available".

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