
cant change email address already exausted all routes to any help

Hi i am writing you as a last resort. I have exausted all on site resources to do a very simple thing. change my email address since my current one is every one who is willing to pay can get in. your change email page is found wanting to say the least. it gives me two lines to fill new email address(the current one refuses saYING THAT ACOUNT ALREADY EXISTS. the second wants a password for something. i have no clue what password and it rejects anything i tell it. if i go to support..of coarse they limit me to a few choices of support none dealing with my rather simple issue? i have had to re instal windows so many times since august i cant keep up with passwords any more forgetting the new ones or get confused about the ones i wrote down wich are almost all invalid and frankly i'm sick and tiredd of this whole login routine altogether since i know its not my concerns that actuate your policy but your security.(everyones policy i should say ad infinitum) i have been in hospital for just having to do simple things over and over again in a home full of devices. please advise and thanks.
It wants the password for your account, the password that goes with that email. It sounds like your going through a hard time, but it's reasonable for lichess to expect you to know your account password. If you still have access to your *current* account email, you could reset the password here:

And then use the new password to change your email. However, use this at your own risk. If you've had such a hard time managing basic access I'm afraid you could lose access to your account altogether.
i guess thats my problem then thank gyou very much i hope your chess is better then your help

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