
Game analysis not working

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Well recently I have seen 4-5 forums about the same topic. You can request 25 analysis per day and 100 analysis per week. And if u request analysis for another's game, it will count double.
It seems there's a hidden cap on the amount of games you can analyze per day/per week. I think it may still be bugged however because they did state it's around 25 per day/80 per week, but I know I haven't done 25 in the last 24 hours. So idk. It could just be strain on the server seeing as there's significantly more players now than there were, say, 4 months ago.
Hello pretty sure the limit is NOT 25/100 or anywhere near. I analyze at most 5 games a day or so (today I did like 10, cuz the yearly classical arena) and it doesn't work anymore.
I guess it's time to pay for some other site :D

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