
Cannot log in :(

Hello, I am Chubakka ( after the maintenance Lichess had an hour or two ago, I cannot log in anymore. It says either wrong user name or password. But I am pretty sure I got both of them right. Could you check if my password got changed somehow?
Did you use cookies to remember your password for you previously?

I know I never had to log in manually since I had my computer remember my username and password for me when going to this site.

Those cookies became invalid once thibault deployed a major change to the site, so I had to log in manually and ask it to store the cookie elsewhere.

Could it just be that you assume that the entered username and password are correct but never had to actually type them out for a while until now?
Didn't delete my cookies, nor is my password that hard and I use it everywhere. Sometimes I tried playing against A.I. lvl 8 and didn't want it to be on my record, so I always logged out and back in after playing some games. I think the last time I did that could be 2 weeks ago.
Ah and one thing you can ask Thibault. I wrote him a pm for the translation of one German sentence. The one about taking back the offer for revanche. And he changed it to what I suggested. If this help you verifying that I am truly who I claim to be.
send me an email Chub, and I'll answer with a new password for you
Not really on topic but if you mean that you use the same password on some important account as well as a bunch of other sites, it can really bite you in butt :(. If just one of the sites is badly protected and gets hacked, the attackers can use the passwords to try to attack the users' accounts on other sites using the same passwords.

Just in case you weren't aware. That's a very common vulnerability.
I have the same problem with dougthehead...
Email sent, and thanks in advance!
Thanks, but my password is for gaming sites only, which mostly allow password less than 6 letters/digits, which mine is. My passwords for my email and other important stuff is of course very complicated.
Could just be that simplicity was the reason that it got corrupted somehow. My current password uses symbols, but not free-form ASCII shit or anything.

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