
Bullet (1 min) vs HyperBullet (30 sec) Tournaments

In the past there was more or less an ongoing Bullet (1 min) the entire day, now there are HyperBullet (30 min) tournaments intermixed in the same "timeline" -- it would be nice to see two categories for Bullet players instead -- one "timeline" of just Bullet, and one of just HyperBullet.
Might be a good idea. Maybe start with adding some more hyperbullet tournaments in parallel with 1+0 tournaments.
I really hope something is done about how easy it is to miss that the tournament is HyperBullet and not Bullet. I keep accidentally entering HyperBullet tournaments and don't realize it until my time runs out in the first game, after which I withdraw.
Please make the HyperBullet tournaments have their own line and/or give them a different color (or maybe background pattern)!

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