
Search games doesnt work

Search games doesnt work in
Typed my nickname and other guy i played and it found nothing. Maybe i did something wrong?
Yes, advanced search is not perfect. Sometimes I can't find by the name too, or when I search by date it shows wrong result.
Often it just says "Something is wrong with the search engine!".
I would like to see advanced search working without errors, and with some new features included, for example:

search by first moves, not only by opening names. This will be useful for chess variants, where openings are different. You can do this like opening explorer

search position in database, maybe also from analysis window;

search for specific endgame (opposite color bishops for example);

search for specific sacrifice (Bxh7 for example)

search for 30 sec berserker games, which are funny to replay realtime (by the way, when replay games realtime, it will be good to see clocks) ;

When I try to search in the "advanced search"

three-check games
duration from 3 to 30 minutes
date from "empty" to = "6 hours ago", or
from "6 days ago" to "now"

will give the error message.

Total number of three-check games is about 53550 without dates, and with from "1 day ago" it is 50278 games. That cannot be right. With from "1 day ago" to "1 hour ago" no games are found.

Search by first opening moves would be great for variants like three-check.

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