
Computer analyze

Guys, I have recently started to analyze my games in 3/2 blitz time control. Usually it turns out for me to have around 4-5 mistakes and inaccurecies and around 2 blunders per game. What do you think is that an awful game for some around 1900-2000 rating? Also how does computer know when middle game turns into endgame?
Your number of inaccuracies, blunders, etc is going to be just as contingent on your opponent as on your own play. So while I think the blunder assessment is useful and informative it's not like you can say the difference between classes of players is directly linked to these sort of assessments in any clear way. For example Pit a 2000 against a 1000 and you'll see 0/0/0 games pretty regularly (from the 2000) simply because the 1000 is incapable of posing him any problems on the board. Pit that 2000 against a 2500 and suddenly he'll look like a blunderbox.

There's also stylistic issues in play. I probably blunder much more often than most players at my level and that is in part because I intentionally aim for complex and unclear positions. I enjoy positions where my opponent will have no clue what's going on, however it's often the case that neither do I!

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