
New feature about thematic correspondence game ...

If you would like to practice a certain position or specific opening & challenge people with it in real time or correspondence, it's seen not a possibility ... why only thematic tournament are possible but not a single game at Play - Create a game menu ...
Actually you can play from any given position:

You go to Tools>>Board editor

then you set up your position-opening

you click on "Continue from here" on the right and then choose "Play with a friend"

you get a menu with choice of Real-time/correspondence and color (it can't be a rated game)

on the next screen you get a link to a game that you can send to anyone or you can challenge a player (type username in box). :)
Thanks for your comment @Sahist4 yes you can play a friend but it's casual not rated game ... but there's rated thematic tournament ... kind of contradiction ... I meant challenge everyone available or a computer in a thematic rated game why not giving that possibility to users... and the word '' create '' take all it's sense in the menu Play & create a game ...
@MagnusKasparov12 said in #3:
> Thanks for your comment @Sahist4 yes you can play a friend but it's casual not rated game ... but there's rated thematic tournament ... kind of contradiction ... I meant challenge everyone available or a computer in a thematic rated game why not ...

Oh yes, I see what you mean now. It would be nice to have but I guess someone from Lichess team would have to answer that question (maybe hard to implement, low priority, problem with rating such games or some other issue with implementing such an option). I just thought to mention that some kind of option do exist if you can negotiate such a game with another user.

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