
Chess to music translation

Toutatis its funny that you mention the idea of music to chess instead of chess to music I was thinking of that for awhile now and it will be in one of my next translations, the chessboard is really just 8 keyboards mashed together diatonic or chromatic along rank or file, whatever you choose
Zugaddict I really like what you have come up with did you code it?
This is very neat. Would like to hear more music from chess, with different instrumentals for each of the pieces. Also, perhaps hearing the 'sounds of chess' from tournaments as the moves were played in real-time at the moment, and using simuls to build concertos and the like. Perhaps it could develop to the point that analysis of moves can be done through the dimension of sound as well.
#4 - me too - a few suggestions here: Tal would maybe translate to Prokofiev, Kasparov's Immortal would be the last movement of Nielsen's "Inextinguishable", Nakamura playing Bullet would have to be Death Metal, and what most of us play here would probably sound like a primary school recorder orchestra rehearsal ...
That would be great to add the sounds onto the board as you played as an option of course
Oh, sorry, didn't notice the activity in this thread! Have been busy with school, but would like to make improvements to this thing over the summer perhaps. Suggestions are welcome. So far what I've learned is that many of the more successful techniques of making things sound "good" is to simply layer the mild randomness of the move itself as a melody over a familiar chord progression or rhythmic pattern, but I kind of feel that's cheating. Also it tends to make every game sound alike, but maybe the accompaniment could change based on various circumstances in the game, like material balance, time, etc.
As long as suggestions are wide open (as apparently in this thread they are!) apply genetic algorithms with people voting on fragments of songs so over time it learns the best music-making rules!
Does it involve engine anaylsis? I believe it is possible to determine how volatile the engine's evaluations are, like in an open game with an attack going the result to go either way. If this is possible perhaps it the music could become more violent itself to reflect this?

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