
Keep receiving black pieces after an opponent aborts the game when I had white

Whenever my opponent aborts a game and I have to start a new match, I always get assigned black, even if I would have been white in the original game!
I understand that this is probably to guarantee that players don't intentionally abort their games just to play with white more often, but this is not the way to do it. This way, both players are "punished" by only getting black in their next game, even if only the one who aborted because of getting black should be.

This is very easily solvable in a completely fair way:
- First, generate a random white-black sequence for each player, which controls which side they will play as in their games.
- When they start/join a random match, they will always get the first element in this queue, and when they start playing, that first element is popped and the next element will be taken into account for the next game.

This way, players can't affect which side they get by aborting, as both of them will get the same colour in their next game.

How are sides currently assigned, and why not like this?
I think Lichess is actually trying the black and white rule of balance
You have fewer black games registered
Although Lichess has a random system, you have to try to get the same number of white and black games to play.
I don't understand the response.
I understand the games are initially random, but if my opponent aborts the game where I had white, why does it still give me a guaranteed black for the next game?
Not asking for my own games, just in general to make sure side deciding rules are fair.

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