
Chess Project - Research on Chess

Hej chess players :) my name is Bruna Tuzi @shahistja, WFM from Albania currently studying in Germany. As part of my master thesis I am working on a topic related with chess. For this purpose I have prepared a questionnaire with 10 different positions.

For 10 participates I will give 10 ChessBase Vouchers in amount of 10, 25 and 50 Euro.

The link of the questionnaire is this one:

Thank you in advance for taking part in this survey :)

I don't even need/want the vouchers, just thought I'd help. :)
This was a very interesting survey, for a large number of the positions I had no idea as to what the outcome would be. I am very happy their Elo was given, a large amount of my answers were based on my experience as a decently strong chess player and the current state of the game and only then did I add Elo to the mix more than 150+ Elo was almost an automatic win for me.

as far as the Bias Questions my teacher was a woman, she died a few months ago but she is the reason I have turned out as strong as I am today. I miss her quite badly, I had finally reached her level and we played some awesome games together. My favorite involved a double rook sack into a forced checkmate sequence.

I enjoy partaking in surveys so don't worry about the vouchers
Thanks for sharing the survey. It was very interesting and I am happy to help everyone conduct scientific experiments on my favorite hobby chess. Good luck! I hope you will find a lot of participants!
@MohammadAayanKhan Thank you very much for the comments and completing the survey! Actually you are not giving direct your age and in the end I will not know what is the age of each participator but in a scientific work age is also a very important factor.

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