
Oh no :(

sorry man its obvious he was cheating. Why are you playing 1300 anyway? theyll see your rating and want to cheat to get points. @ 1300 they are not yet good enough or understand enough about chess to know that they are only hurting themselves and our online chess community.
I was trying to play 20 quick games so I could join the league chess tournament ....
That wasn't anywhere near a perfect game. It was quite even too until you blundered at move 26, and then he blundered back at move 29 but you didn't capitalise. I would not accuse this guy of cheating from this game alone
I am not publicly accusing my opponent of cheating. He played near flawless positional chess and forced a blunder from me in time trouble. Just bear in mind that for someone at his rating level to display that kind of positional understanding is remarkable.
the moves are perfectly normal and logical human moves
plus he missed winning tactics
you do false acussations from the fact "a 1300 player can´t win to a 2110 player"
" "for someone at his rating level to display that kind of positional understanding is remarkable", you commited errors, you say that as you would did a perfect game.
you have reason, i cant know that the acussations are false,my point is that you can´t really think with basis that he cheated.
"The Elo rating system – correcting the expectancy tables" , you can´t use that as reference, Elo and glicko are not the same, and you only played 18 games, and your rating deviation is 140.49 , your rating is provisional, dont take the rating so seriously.

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