
How do I improve at endgames at 1550 lichess elo (blitz)

My blitz elo is 1550, and I'm trying to improve my endgames.

All that really know right now is the square, opposition, and some basic king pawn endgames.

Any videos / studies / tips that could be helpful?

Learn rook endgames first. Lucena and Philidor, especially.
How can you do this? Well, just use a chess puzzle website/app (I would recommend chesspuzzles(.)net and chesstempo) and choose "rook endgames"(almost every website/app has this option).
One way to improve is to analyze the move of your pieces, do not forget your opponent's pieces, it is best that you have the pair of bishops, they are very helpful in cases of very open places, also have an opening suitable for yourself, so that you can develop and help you improve your next tactics, This is just my opinion, maybe a person with a chess degree will come along and help you much better in that aspect.
Study dvorestky's endgame manual, MWAHAHA.
If you're hardcore study John Nunn's secrets of rook ending, HEHE.

More seriously it is the best manual on endgames but advanced imo, and Nunns book is only RP vs R very good but also more advanced. You're better off starting with something like starting out: pawn endgames and Starting out: rook endgames (I don't particuraly rate these books but they are a good place to start) or something equivalent.
any endgame book on rook endgames is a good.
"... before discussing the specifics of Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual ..., a word of warning is in order. I must emphasize that this is a terribly advanced work that I don't think is a very good way for the average player to study the endgame. The majority of the examples are complex and position-specific, and neither the average student nor even strong masters will follow or play over most of the hundreds of positions that are given extensive analysis, not to mention the subvariations derived from those positions. Even when introducing 'the basics', Dvoretsky's approach is often more complex than is necessary for an average student, and in any case such a thick book will seldom be used for the sake of elementary instruction. The majority of the other material is frankly very difficult. So take note: I don't want to be blamed, in praising this book, for your purchasing something that you find intimidating, relatively dull, or otherwise unsatisfying. That said, if you are up to a real challenge and have a great deal of time to devote to reading and playing over examples you will inevitably derive great value from this work. ..." - IM John Watson (2005)
"... Silman’s Complete Endgame Course ... I'm convinced that Silman's book will take its place in history as one of the most popular endgame books ever. ... He writes in a clear and casual style, and time and again has shown the ability to reach those who feel intimidated by the lofty approach that a grandmaster will often take. ..." - IM John Watson (2007)
Capablanca's Best Chess Endings In 60 Complete Games by I Chernev with explanations @MyMouseFroze Study Complete Games if you can find a good book which this is ok' ? It's free on The Internet Archive website , Yes you can mix-in some theoretical endings like King Bishop and wrong Rook pawn cannot win vs King etc etc from various books & websites/ Videos as well but studying Complete Games is a great Idea . The 60 Games should take you at 4 games a day 15 days or 10 days 6 games a day or 5 games a day 12 times'
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Given what you mentioned I would suggest studying passed pawns. How to create them and what they can be used for. How to get your opponents pawns stuck even when they have more. What types there are and what properties they have (e.g. outside passer, connected passer).

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