FM UnknownM8 Lichess coach picture

FM Cristian Machidon

Work hard, play hard

Location Moldova
LanguagesEnglish (US), Italiano, русский язык
RatingFIDE: 22862542
Hourly rate15€/h; I'm also available for training games
AvailabilityNot accepting students at the moment

About me

Hi everyone! I'm Cristian Machidon, a Fide Master from Italy. I was born in Moldova in 1998 (so I speak russian too) but I've been living in Italy since 2011. I'm also an economics student at the Sapienza University.
Sono Cristian Machidon, un maestro fide di origine moldavo, nonchè studente d'economia presso l'università della Sapienza.

Teaching experience

Been teaching chess for almost 2 years now. Most of my students managed to upgrade their chess understanding and significantly improved their rating. I had students of different ages and different backgrounds.
Ho iniziato a dare lezioni da circa 2 anni. La maggior parte dei miei allievi sono riusciti a migliorare la propria comprensione di gioco, gli altri purtroppo erano juventini... Le lezioni sono aperte a chiunque, sia ai amatori che ai giocatori agonisti.

Best skills

I'm pretty much a universal player, although i usually rely more on strategy and positional understanding rather than tactics. Opening wise I have decent preparation and understanding of KaroKann (for black) and the various d4 systems.
Personalmente mi considero un giocatore universale con predisposizione per il gioco posizionale e strategico. In aperture mi specializzo nella CaroKann (per il Nero) e i vari sistemi dopo d4:Carlsbad, Est-Indiana, Grunfeld, Nimzoindiana (per il bianco).

Teaching methodology

The methodology is very student-oriented. Ain't no universal approach because everyone's got their own weaknesses and strengths. Therefore during the first lessons our mission will be finding out your current level and your future aspirations. Afterwards we will start working both on the game understanding (principles, theory, concepts) as well as your personal-practical skills (psychology, calculation, time management).