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6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bug or feature? Possible training cheat#11

Note that all I pointed out was that anyone can run up their training rating as high as they want without actually doing anything. If that's the design as intended, so be it.

Lichess Feedback - Bug or feature? Possible training cheat#8

Toadofsky, I'm not really arguing with anyone. More like I'm pointing out how easy it is for someone to click on a link, turn on local analysis, and "solve" any puzzle they wish while expending no eff…

Lichess Feedback - Bug or feature? Possible training cheat#6

Wow, scuffi, you're totally missing the point. Since the developers have hidden the puzzle ELO ratings until they are solved, it is logical to believe that they would have wanted to hide the link to t…

Lichess Feedback - Bug or feature? Possible training cheat#3

I'm with you on seeing it after you solve the puzzle and I do like that it hides and varies the ELO ratings. I just hope that they can figure out a way to not let people essentially cheat on them.

Lichess Feedback - Bug or feature? Possible training cheat#1

I wasn't sure if this was a bug or intentional, but if you are doing puzzles, the link to the game the puzzle comes from is active. If you look up that game you can simply enable local analysis and ge…

General Chess Discussion - Opening training on lichess?#11

I'd also like to know, very sad to see it removed.
