
Search "user:mkubecek"

1143 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Want an username of inactive player#2

You can never know if a user who has been inactive for few years won't start playing again later. And even if you knew for sure, there would be also the problem of distinguishing the two accounts e.g.…

Lichess Feedback - Term "correspondence"#2

If isn't clear enough for someone, I'm afraid not much more can be done. But bigger problem probably is that most people don't bother to read it (or documentation in…

General Chess Discussion - What is the highest number of games you have ever played in a day?#2

Nine, most likely, OTB. On lichess it would be three or four if I count only games actually played.

General Chess Discussion - Looking for players for 4545 league#6

My understanding is that this field is meant to let you suggest either people you already have good experience with as teammates or people you know and expect to be good teammates for other reasons. I…

General Chess Discussion - Looking for players for 4545 league#4

@SimonBirch said in #2: > I registered but don't know what the 'slack' group is ? You should receive an invitation into it after your registration is accepted.

General Chess Discussion - Looking for players for 4545 league#3

I'm afraid it doesn't work like this. You can fill some names of players you would like to be in team with but it's only a hint. The primary goal is to divide players into teams in a way that minimize…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion for the site: Start an analysis board from any position#14

...which is completely irrelevant as both my comment #5 and part of your comment #4 that it replies to are (only) about puzzles and neither does mention studies.

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect Notation#6

I see, I was confused by the phrase "game code" so I thought it was supposed to be a game id, not a puzzle id. Yes, in this case it's necessary to distinguish between Raf8 (Ra8-f8) and Rff8 (Rf6-f8). …

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect Notation#4

I cannot find a game with that id, it seems to be too short. Can you post a full (working) link?

Lichess Feedback - New suggestion for Opening Explorer (or Advanced Search)#8

Sounds like an omission to me if such game can be found with advanced search but not with opening explorer.
