
Search "user:KRYPTIK"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Reading chess books or not?#6

Experience > Theory.

Off-Topic Discussion - I have finally understand the true meaning of chess#4

@GoneWildChess is absolutely correct. Rating means nothing. I used to have an account on where I openly tried experimental openings and attempted theory modification to improve my understand…

General Chess Discussion - Aborting a game#2

Isn't that what a draw is?

General Chess Discussion - Three-Check Strategy#10

Although I agree that material is not always something to throw away haphazardly, that bishop sacrifice was simply not viable *due to the position*. In that position white playing d4 cannot really be …

General Chess Discussion - Three-Check Strategy#7

There's a difference between letting 2 more checks and being forced into those checks. Although I really like that opening for white, c3 is very strong there. For instance: 1. e4 , e6 2. c3, , Bc5 Thi…

General Chess Discussion - Three-Check Strategy#5

It's actually relatively easy to give two checks without your queenside knight. I do it all the time, even against higher rated players. For example if you start with Tip #2 and your opponent plays e4…

General Chess Discussion - Three-Check Strategy#1

So I've recently discovered the Three-Check variant and I instantly fell in love. It's great for so many reasons, the rules make it so delicate that it almost becomes an entirely different game with a…