
Black Looting Matters

""Trump is the source of the most hate in your country", Is he now? That is one perspective on it and I can see how you came to that conclusion. Here is the thing though. I noticed you are from Germany... So perhaps I will put this one in your wheelhouse. By your very same logic, Jews were the source of most hate in Nazi Germany. Jews got a whole lot of "Bad press" to say the least in Nazi Germany. Does that make Nazi Germany right about Jews?"

@lurarose i guess you misinterpret the situation a bit, as a german let me explain to you the history of my country.
a group of people got scapegoated for various reasons and got treated worse, than someone from austria came and spread this hate around in germany (source of hate in my books). idiots followed that moron and they started to show their hate openly towards said group of people.

lets now take a look at your country. in your history a group of people got abused and enslaved, at some point that changed. at least the part about being slaves. many of their people fought for their rights and still they get killed as off today because of their ethnicity. there are certain right-wing people who still support people in their hate towards that group.

so comparing Trump with the Jews is pure propaganda and im really sad to read your brainwashed bullshit in a place like this.
Lichess is a community for me, where everyone without racial bias can play chess with each other.

I knew Democrats were behind this, but It's funny they didn't even bother to stick a shell corporation in between.

i guess you misinterpret the situation a bit, as an American let me explain to you the recent history of my country.
Our 45th president got scapegoated for various reasons and got treated worse, than previous presidents by the mainstream media. These news outlets spread this hate around in America (source of hate in my books). idiots followed the fake news and they started to show their hate openly towards our president.
Trump is currently ruining your country.
Screwing up during the COVID crisis big time and quitting WHO because he needed a scapegoat instead of trying to fix the situation and calling COVID a blessing for his nation, really? those are fake news?
or that time he was openly sexist?
or that other time...

you know where this leads dont you? Trump being President is a Farce and a joke. he blamed himself on the world stage way to much. he is a despot and threatening twitter because they flagged his lies when they did a fact check... please if this is all a lie and you are correct than all is lost Kappa

Thanks for the kind words. In general, personally, it bugs the shit out of me when any big corporation (not that lichess is a big corporation) puts politics into advertising / political agendas, and that goes both ways.

"Buy my icecream we support gay people!"
"Buy my chicken we support traditional marriage"

When it comes to that gay marriage issue... Frankly, I really don't give a damn either way if gay people get married or not. That should be their choice to make not mine. If it were up to me I'd allow gays to marry and have all the same rights that come with marriage according to the government, but call it something else by law as it is something else as both parties are same-sex. Perhaps "Same-Sex Partnership" or simply "Partnership" for short. That's in terms of the "Government" not the "Church" or other religious institutions. Those religious institutions not affiliated with the government should have the right to deny the marriage if they so choose as church and state are separate they have freedom of religion and hence the different name of "Partnership" instead of marriage as it would have legal backing, but not religious backing.

Went off on a tangent there...

Basically I don't spend my money on a product because of political persuasions of the seller or maker. I buy a product because it is a product I get use of, and it's reasonable price/quality compared to the competition. That's pretty much the only reason I ever buy anything. When companies put push politics it pisses me off even if I agree with the politics they push.

1) Trump is not ruining the country. He isn't perfect but is doing a good job.
2) WHO is a Chinese puppet organization with communist leadership. That is not the American way.
3) "He was openly sexist." I'll take an honest asshole over a lying sweetheart every time. All men are sexist. And the worst kind of man is the "Male Feminist" type. Those guys give off major "Nice Guy" / "Rapist" vibes. "Hey I'm white-knighting for you ladies can I get some pussy? What no!? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE RAPE TIME!"
4) Trumps actions against twitter are not only justified, but also LONG OVERDUE. I shall elaborate:

Before I get too in-depth first let me state the fact that normally I am very much against regulations on business of any kind, and that "Robber Barrons" have been a myth, as well as favoring an open market. I'm of the "Burt Folsom" & "Milton Friedman" schools of thought in that regard. Normally I hate to see regulations, but this is a good one and I'll say why now.

Twitter is a tech giant and has a legal shield. This legal shield is basically the same sort of legal shield that will protect a car manufacturer from being responsible for drunk drivers. This is reasonable because the car manufacturer can say, "Hey man, we don't approve of drinking and driving. We can't control people from drinking and driiving that's not fair!" And I agree with that sentiment and if it were a normal car company I'd agree.

Here is the thing though... Twitter is lik a car company that just so happens to also own a chain of bars, a brewery, and gives out a free bottle of wine with each new car purchase. That is why the lawsuits are to be opened up on them and justly so until they change their behavior!

5) "IF what I say is true all is lost"

Not yet... That's why I fight on. We still got a chance.
I don't really understand your car analogy. Are you saying that the government should stop all vertical mergers?

No, a verticle merger is fine. That would be as if a car manufacturer bought a tire company and a glass manufacturer to help with making the tires and windshields more affordable for the consumer. A car manufacturer owning a brewery isn't a verticle merger as it's not in connected industries that can create synergy.

Perhaps a car company isn't the best analogy either I'll try another one, as you can't really sue a bar or brewery for drunk driving either come to think of it.

Twitter has been functioning as say a "Printing Press". They have the machines to crank out newspapers in record numbers. Because twitter is to function simply as a "Printing Press" they are not responsible for what is printed on the paper. In the same way that an ISP is not responsible if one of it's users uploaded something illegal. That responsibility goes to the author. They have this shield in place. Same way the printer is not sued but the author. Same kind of shield if you are following me.

The problem comes when This ISP / Printing Press starts getting to "Heavy Handed" in curation, and quality control. They can no longer have their cake and eat it too so to say. Since they have been doing far too much "Censorship" especially of conservative, and right-wing things on twitter these laws are no longer applicable to them.

I have seen people experiment with this, and it's true. People were being banned from twitter for simply tweeting something as harmless as "Learn to code" at bloggers who have lost their job... That in fact used to write articles about how coal miners, and other workers should simply "Learn to code".

So the chickens are finally coming home to roost for twitter. They fucked up and are being punished. They are not having the shield that the printing press has, but instead the shield the author has. No longer the shield that the ISP has, but the one the website has and so forth. They have done this to themself by acting in a NON NEUTRAL way.
Any hate I have seen in this country in the last 5 years has come from the left. Trying to remember the last time conservatives rioted or tore up a college campus.

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