
White To Move And Draw

Not nice. I just looked with the help of the engine and it proposes another move. It wins as well! That’s the beauty killer blow for every chess puzzle. Two keys... oh no!

(I found the more complicated one - that‘s why I found it pretty)
Only if Black chooses a wrong answer (in this case, there really only is exactly one right move to find).
No sorry, it draws as well of course. The goal was to draw so therefore two ways to „win“ this goal.

Black can lose albeit not by force.
Found an interesting line in case black goes too far

[Variant "From Position"]
[FEN "8/7p/8/3K4/8/8/P4k2/8 w - -"]

1. Ke4 Kg3 2. Ke3 h5 3. Ke2 Kg2 4. a4 h4
5. a5 h3 6. a6 h2 7. a7 h1=Q 8. a8=Q+ Kg1
9. Qa1+ Kg2 10. Qg7+ Kh3 11. Qh6+ Kg2 12. Qg5+ Kh3
13. Qh5+ Kg2 14. Qg4+ Kh2 15. Kf2
Oh. The line with 1. Ke4. I thought I refuted that. Apparently not. Good find.

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