
why does my name have a knight Icon? Pls help

I do not know why my name has this Knight Icon... I'm not complaining though it's Cool.
But How and Why?
Tip - look through the recent forums before asking a question about new stuff on the site. Yours is at least the 11th thread on the matter today.
There is one thing I don't understand though... did some people get a flair assigned without them setting it themselves? These "why do I have an icon" questions seem to indicate so but apparently most people did not.
The real question is, why they bother implementing this crap, rather than doing something real? E.g. fixing the bug infested app.
@HansGruberWins said in #5:
> The real question is, why they bother implementing this crap, rather than doing something real? E.g. fixing the bug infested app.

I just setted mine up! hahahaha. Do not take the life too serious. :p

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