
Struggling in real-life chess

Hello guys,
After playing so many games online, now I am facing difficulties while playing real-life 3D chess. In a real chessboard, I make stupid mistakes whereas on a 2D board I don't. This is so frustrating. Am I the only one who is facing this issue or there are people out there like me who faced the same problem?
You are not alone.
I know someone, who has learned chess online and then played his first game OTB (real-life-chess) and has called that:
You will adapt. You will learn! Maybe try the 3D setting?!

PS: Many years ago, after playing OTB, I remember my first online-experience in 2D. It was so frustrating!
Edit: Couldnt find checkmate in 1 here - horrible captcha.
I don't have that problem, maybe try to set up a board for your longer online games.
I have the reverse problem! Our OTB chess club is running their club championship on line for the first time. we play at 30mins plus 30 sec increment which enables me to set up a wooden set too as i just don't see as well in 2D :-)
"playing real-life 3D chess". Do you mean regular chess, played with actual pieces against an opponent sitting opposite of you, do you mean the chess variant "3D chess" (Or rather, one of the variants using multiple stacked boards)?
Interesting problem...

How can you get used to it? Just play study. Studying is always good, but studying on a regular board will help you to see better.

Once you get used to it, it should be east ro switch back and forth.

Just practice on your weak points.
I never play OTB chess, so it's not an issue. But I think I'd just knock all the pieces over so they're lying flat on the board.
I meant regular chessboard with actual pieces by saying 3D chessboard. My bad. Making people confused.
You're definitely not alone. When I resumed OTB chess about two years ago in four games I managed to lose 100 rating points, only beating one of my four opponents, all of whom were ranked hundreds of points lower than me. When I wasn't blundering I was taking so much time on my moves that I lost one game on time and came within two seconds of losing another. It's just familiarity. While I haven't had another tournament that bad since, I've only recovered a few of those lost points. As you play more OTB it will get easier.

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