
Black Looting Matters

"Reagan's Chief of Staff, Edwin Meese III, a former district attorney from Alameda County, had established a reputation for firm opposition to those protesting the Vietnam War at the Oakland Induction Center and elsewhere. Meese assumed responsibility for the governmental response to the People's Park protest, and he called in the Alameda County Sheriff's deputies, which brought the total police presence to 791 officers from various jurisdictions.[15]

Under Meese's direction, police were permitted to use whatever methods they chose against the crowds, which had swelled to approximately 6,000 people. Officers in full riot gear (helmets, shields, and gas masks) obscured their badges to avoid being identified and headed into the crowds with nightsticks swinging.[24]

"The indiscriminate use of shotguns [was] sheer insanity."
— Dr. Harry Brean, chief radiologist at Berkeley's Herrick Hospital[23]
As the protesters retreated, the Alameda County Sheriff's deputies pursued them several blocks down Telegraph Avenue as far as Willard Junior High School at Derby Street, firing tear gas canisters and "00" buckshot at the crowd's backs as they fled.

Authorities initially claimed that only birdshot had been used as shotgun ammunition. When physicians provided "00" pellets removed from the wounded as evidence that buckshot had been used,[25] Sheriff Frank Madigan of Alameda County justified the use of shotguns loaded with lethal buckshot by stating, "The choice was essentially this: to use shotguns—because we didn't have the available manpower—or retreat and abandon the City of Berkeley to the mob."[24] Sheriff Madigan did admit, however, that some of his deputies (many of whom were Vietnam War veterans) had been overly aggressive in their pursuit of the protesters, acting "as though they were Viet Cong."[26][27]"

The Conservatives are the ones with the guns killing unarmed peaceful protesters,in case you did not pick up on that yourselves. You insist on blaming the center-left for everything bad that happens in never even attempt to be objective.
@Obaldie You may want to read again, I said "in the last 5 years" and you bring up Nixon? How old are you?
1 hour ago
"Any hate I have seen in this country in the last 5 years has come from the left. Trying to remember the last time conservatives rioted or tore up a college campus."

You may want to read again..the second sentence is not time-specified to within the last 5 years.*

* first lesson is free..after that I charge $US60 / hour.

ps...It's Reagan,not Nixon.
When the rich are given another huge amounts of money and the lower class a limited maximum $1200/hr., they will get mad and destroy the streets. That is just how it is. If the money was spread, then perhaps USA's rioting may or may not of existed. That is the again the like 30 year old conservative, "Trickle down effect". Imagine @theLstGrl to live off $1200/month, x partners, x kids, x cars, x rent, ... Tell me what you would do? So lots of people smashed in windows, stole a few things, hide them to sell to support their necessities. I don't see any other way for them, personally. So no one can blame them.
Thanks for the clarification-- was thinking anti-vertical merger arguments would be a little odd (side note: production would be vertically integrated if the company gave out free alcohol as you suggested, hence my question).

With regards to your twitter argument: Since twitter is a private firm and not a government owned entity, shouldn't they have the right to use their company as they see fit? If you feel that using twitter does not benefit you, then the reasonable response would be to simply not use twitter.
You mentioned that you tend to follow Milton Friedman's ideas. Milton Friedman generally believed the government should take a laisez-faire approach to its involvements in the business world; since Twitter is not leveraging market power in order to prevent competitive action (according to a quick and none-too-thorough google search, the Social Media industry is still very concentrated on Google and Facebook in terms of Herfindahl-Herschmann index), and is not harming anyone through their operations, and since the users of Twitter can simply choose to stop using their service, there is no reason for the government to get involved. I haven't been reading the news lately, but if Trump did indeed use government authority to target a specific firm because of a difference in beliefs, that's a big problem.
@Canadian_Beaver Have you ever thought people are in the positions they are in because of their choices? I choose not to go to school. smoke drugs, get pregannt at 16 and have 4 kids with different fathers before I am 25. I drink smoke two pack a day...why am I poor??? I must be oppressed, give me free stuff.
Regarding the whole "president is corrupt" and "WHO is corrupt" thing... why not both?
Yes, @thelstgrl. I was talking about a normal person. Not some junkie, skid row, dropout, teen mom, absentee father, drug smoker. I was talking about normal people.

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