
Mission 3000 - time for big explosions

Hello, friends.
Working very hard on my chess lately, and have some success.
I have MASTERED horde chess variant.
Now it is time to have a look at other variants, like atomic or antichess.
I am started to learn atomic chess, and it's seems like an easy game - playing with white is of course a forced win.
So I decide to destroy everybody on my way to 1st place in atomic, as well as breaking 3000 atomic barrier.
See me on top in few months.

FINAL STANDING (will be soon)
GM TestYourSkillz 3000
LM fast-tsunami 2701
Nonkel 2435
NM VTChess 2376
ukimix 2372
warrior_e 2345
Samajh 2333
kreedz 2325
krasss 2303
gmyagami 2277
Congrats on the high provisional horde chess rating after only 21 rated games.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the highest rating is 2900. :P
IM hiimgosu went over 2900 today. I think it's possible.
Well, there are far more skillful and theoretically knowledgeable players than me to tell you this, but it's not proved to be a forced win for white. The odds are certainly stacked against black, particularly if white is very knowledgeable in different openings, but good players tend to equalize very effectively against me (and better players than me) as black and can go on and win.

For instance, the last string of games between ukimix and Fast-Tsunami involved a considerable amount of black wins or draws, some of them for ukimix, the lower-rated player.

The last THREE games between Grand Lapin and Fast-Tsunami (both 2600+ players) ended in black wins.

There's been a player hanging round anonymously playing 1+0 atomic proclaiming at the start of games that they 'never lose at atomic chess'. If that's you as I theorize, then yes, you seem pretty strong, but strong enough to get to 3000? Not sure about that. Good luck though!

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