
Owen Defence

Hello guys! I've recently started playing the Owen Defence (1. e4 b6) and I would like to know if it's a good opening or not. The advantage of it is that white may be unprepared, but I would like to know if it is good independently by how white is prepared for that opening.

Thanks in advance
Wins a pawn by force if white is unprepared.
If white plays good, black is too passive ( played it in about 7-8 games OTB )
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Well Namakura plays it in blitz all the time .. so it can't be that bad 😊
I play the owen defense from time to time, but if the white pieces play properly it is hard to equalize. I don't think it is the best defense by itself, nonetheless can help you get your opponent out of theory, and the plans are quite simple.

I do like to play 1...b6, I even created a study on it cause I'm gonna upload a video on the opening soon to my youtube channel... If you wanna take a look I selected some games by strong players, especially Nakamura who plays this in blitz games here->
1.c4 b6! is very good. Even some super-GMs like Grischuk appreciate it and call it "under-rated".
I have played this defense quite a bit in the past. From experience, it is dangerous to play ...d5 if white can play e5 and lock in your light squared bishop sitting on b7. Avoid ...d5 unless white cannot respond with e5 / tempo gain / making your bishop into a big pawn.
I just made a study about the Owen Defence. If you are interested, here's the link:

I think it is a very exciting defense for both White and Black at the beginner level and at the intermediate level. Most grandmasters will not play it and frown upon it. Let's assume your opponent is not a grandmaster. That seems like a logical assumption, but one never knows. In that case I think you should play it. If your opponent is grandmaster it wouldn't matter what defense you played because you would probably lose no matter what. You would need to find easier opponents to beat, not a new opening.

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