
Honestly, free speech is overrated. Especially the "western" version of it.

@UnifiedHeron2 said in #9:
> *kills somebody* guys this is freedom of speech dw
I mean if you did it with the thu'um, voice power from skyrim, I think that would check out,

You might violate some noise ordinances though
Tell that to Navalny. Or however u spell it.
Tell that to thousands of protesters in Russia.
@Benzene241 ' white fragility ' are you not using your freedom of speech right now to be racist ,very hypocritical thread as far as I'm concerned xxx
@Benzene241 said in #1:
> Let's start with the so-called "freedom of speech." What a load of privileged, entitled bullshit. The idea that everyone has the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want, without consequence is the epitome of white fragility and Western privilege. It's like a safety blanket for those who have never had to face real oppression or discrimination. You see, when you defend freedom of speech, what you're really defending is the status quo. You're defending the power structures that keep marginalized voices silenced and oppressed. Because let's be real here, in a world where wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few, whose speech do you think gets heard the loudest? Hint: it's not the voices of the poor, the marginalized, or the oppressed. And don't even get me started on the myth of "neutral" platforms. The idea that social media companies should just sit back and let hate speech and bigotry run rampant because of some misguided commitment to "free speech" is beyond absurd. These platforms have a responsibility to actively combat harmful speech, not enable it under the guise of "free expression." – but here's the thing, freedom of speech isn't just overrated, it's actively harmful. It perpetuates a system where hate speech, racism, misogyny, and homophobia are not only tolerated but protected. It emboldens those who seek to oppress others and creates an environment where marginalized communities are forced to constantly defend their right to exist.
> Also, if you feel uncomfortable now – you are proving my point. Feeling bad about truth and arguing against it in comments is an epitome of white fragility. Go cry somewhere else.

Before you closed your account you were using "Free Speak" to make a hateful point

@Benzene241 said in #1:

>everyone has the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want, without consequence

That ́s a load of rubbish. You could start by insulting a cop and see what happens. If that goes well, you could then first raise and then encourage a mob to storm the Capitol or whatever. Or get on a soapbox in Central Park and start a racist rant. Etc, etc.

Have fun.
@Wasted_Youth said in #15:
> That ́s a load of rubbish. You could start by insulting a cop and see what happens. If that goes well, you could then first raise and then encourage a mob to storm the Capitol or whatever. Or get on a soapbox in Central Park and start a racist rant. Etc, etc.
> Have fun.

It's not illegal to insult a cop lol
you think free speech is "overrated", yet you have a GNU flair. very weird...
Wow nice work from the mods. Closed the account nice and fast. Yeah anyone who seriously invokes "white fragility" as an argument is typically a racist themselves
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

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