
Level up Your Endgames Part 1: The Importance of a Single File

the first one is a draw, I think. Trying the usual mating pattern of Queen and King vs Pawn and King, the second black puts the white king in front of the pawn and tries to move his king over, it's a stalemate. Even if Black goes first, no variation of it seems to lead to a win for black. No idea for the others :P
You cannot win with R pawns or B pawns, unless your King is quite near. Therefore, in diagram 1 and 3, white was drawing and in 2 and 4, white is dead.
The 3.f7 move called in German ́Lautloser Zug ́ = Loudless Move. See - {Notation White "waz Kd5 P.f5" (waz White to move) Black "Kf8”} + { FEN "5k2/8/8/3K1P2/8/8/8/8 w - -"}
I’m pretty sure that 1 and 3 are draws and then 2 and 4 are winning for black.