
Why do people decline takebacks?

#51 go to your username in the top right corner, click on it. In the pop up, there will be a button named 'Preferences', click on that. Click on 'game behaviour' towards the left side. You will need to scroll down a little. There will then be an option for takebacks.
I just played a game where my opponent moved a piece right next to the one he should have taken. Obvious slip and I allowed the takeback.

Another recent game the opponent blundered the queen and must have realized right after. I am sorry that is not a reason to use takebacks.
I still don't quite understand why the usual procedure seems to be that the side that wants their move taken back *begs* for it rather than the other side *offering* one.

If you hang your queen on d2, rather than taking mine on d1, it is totally obvious to me that you just had a mouseslip. No need to "remind" me by clicking random buttons, no need to tell me in the chat.
I know it was a mouseslip, and I decide whether I want to offer a takeback as a friendly gesture or not. My choice. Not yours.

Most of the time, I will not offer one because I think it's simply the fairest to never give them and never expect them, and let it be the chessplayer's job to find a good balance between speed and mouse accuracy.
Plus, the time gets f***ed up with takebacks.

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