
New variants

I have come up with a few new chess variations. I would like some opinions and tips on how I can establish this here and possibly on other forums.

First, the “Bow Pawn Game.” In this mode, all the classic rules of chess are retained. Changes only affect pawns. In the variation, these cover the three fields in the row after the next. To understand, the pawns in their basic position, for example the e2 pawn covers d4, e4 and f4 .

En passant is canceled, when a pawn captures, he goes onto the field. Promotion remains in the known ways.

Second we have "(K)nightrider Chess":

This gamemode is really simpel. In this game mode, bishops and knights merge. The "(K)nightrider" can walk diagonally and jump like a knights. Otherwise all rules are retained. The starting positions of the four “(K)nightriders” must be identical.

I look forward to stimulating discussions and hope that one day these variations will be playable on

Actually it belongs to the forum topic "Chess Variants"
Best regards

Gregor (Dude_This_Queen)
A piece combining the movement of the Knight and the Bishop isn't entirely new. It's known as the Archbishop in Capablanca Chess, and a handful of other variants. It's known as a Princess among problemists. Other names for the piece include Adjudant, Adjutant, Aircraft, Baron, Bishop, Cardinal, Centaur, Count, Crusader, Davidson, Deacon, Equerry, Fox, Hawk, Horseman, Janus, Minister, Monk, NB, Paladin, Pilot, Police Chief, Prime Minister, Rhino, Squire, Superbishop, Templar, Viscount, Vizir, Wazir, and Zek. From the enormous amount of names, we can see there are many chess variants using this piece.

(K)Nightrider however is usually used for the piece which moves one or more Knight steps.

A pawn which can move to any of the three squares in front of it, is called the Sergeant.
"A pawn which can move to any of the three squares in front of it, is called the Sergeant."
yes you are right i saw those pieces on The bow pawn i suggest does the same as the Sergant but in the row after the next.

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