
Call for contributions from the community


Lichess tournament names are based on names of chess players, or people closely related to chess, e.g. "Menchick Arena", based on

It would be cool if we could link from Lichess to the relevant Wikipedia page on the tournament page for all players. To be able to do that, we need to have the correct Wikipedia link for all 680 chess players.

I thought it might work to crowdsource this, so I created the following Google spreadsheet:

If you can help gather Wikipedia links, request access to the document and I will grant you access so you can help out.
I don't want to use my Google account, but I'd love to help.
Send me any email address you have access to, and that should work
This could be (for the most part) scripted, with humans just looking over the URLs as a sanity check.
Definitely. Search "wiki chess <name>" and grab the first Wikipedia link among top 5 results. I'm guessing a 90% accuracy rate :-D

Should be fun to see the results.
Cool! I'm hoping someone can:
1) Get your links into the spreadsheet
2) Find links for the remaining players

(If you're going to run the script again, I would think you could save a lot of time executing many requests in parallel.)

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