
Correspondence chess inactive time

To be in top 10 players list you need to have at least 1 rated game finished in last 2 weeks. But I think for correspondence chess it is too little. Correspondence games going much slower, i propose to make that period 2 months for correspondence chess.
You are wrong my Friend,Lichess Master,Kapsarov,
Firstly,not only 1 game finished in last 2 weeks for Top 10 but for Top 100,
You haven't any trophies in Correspondence Chess at the moment,
You must remember that my score-2480-over 30 games is so far from You today,
I hope that You beat this result because Correspondence Champion You have thanks me:-)
You are strong Player,it is indisputable but You must t to be 2400 in every week,
I think that LM tittle is motivation for You
Hi rzenaikrzys,
First of all I can clearly see jelousy in your words. Don't be so jealousy, my friend. Some day you could be a strong player too, if you will train hard on chess. I remember that you had 2400 rating, but it was achieved mostly because you was holding all hopeless games to the last move ( for example: ). Finally, when you throw away that ballast, your rating dramatically drops to decent 2100, bringing you back to reality. Don't worry about that, friend.

But all that is not important. I created this topic to ask Thibault or other developers to change the mechanism that determines active player or not.

Right now I am inactive correspondense player on the site, despite of I am still playing correspondense games. That is because last game was finished more than 2 weeks ago.

I propose that making a move is count as activity, rather than finished game. So that players that did not made any move in rated game in the period of last 2 weeks are considered inactive, and loose a trophie.
I agree with this proposition about Correspondence Chess,
it makes sense
About You-I am not jealous,
The facts are what they are, besides, I think that here Players must to have the rigor of time, that is the case, sometimes You have to play to the end,
I wish You good luck
Kapsarov - it's strange that you criticise other players for using stalling tactics that you use yourself (example:

Maybe one day your atomic rating will reflect reality and be 2100?

That said, the original suggestion does make sense, to increase the time allowed between finished games in correspondence chess.
What am I see? Little boy tipau came to the party, and attack me in the forum. Not very wise decision, kid.

You think insufficiency means weakness and surplus means strength, but this impression is wrong. I am future champion of every variant on lichess. Atomic is the starting point.

In 2 months I will be undisputed atomic champion. I will come back here and laugh in your face, tipau.

Date is 25 of April, 2015, time 23:45.

Nothing will stop me. Your little spanish friend can't protect you all the time, he will be beaten as well (you know what am I talking about).

Poor tipau, everyone will see, who is real champ, and who is a joke.

War is declared, you better be ready.
You sound insane.

I assume by my 'little spanish friend' you're talking about Onubense...I look forward to seeing you try to beat him :)
It is very hard task, LM Kapsarov. Atomic is mostly competitive variant right now. It is very hard to reach even top 100. Good luck.

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